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BON LARVIS guest's book
Tour Diary 1
Tour Diary 2
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AUGUST 13: BAR-B-QUE BANZAI, Portland MAIN Another town that we had a hard time getting to because at the border they didnt believe we come from California but finally we got through after paying some money...we made from the Jailhouse and paid that along with a bunch of our other money and we got through sadder but wiser, we even wrote a new harmonica blues called “Border Crossin Blues” about how we lost our money that time. Bar-B-Que Banzai was closed by the health deprtment for “bacteria”, come on guys don’t you got anything better to do? So this was a much needed day off for us and we did some sight seeing, mostly though the bottom of a glass if you get our drift!!!! Carl won some money at “Liars Dice” so we got some hot dogs down by the lake...Damn Good too!! Then we left to get a head start on VIRGINA which was not exactly across the street if you look at a map of it!!!!!! We got down to Massachussetes and stayed at a rest stop for a bout three hours, there was a lot of homos there so you had to watch out, but we was too tired to care by then except that we didn’t play “My Ding a Ling” that night which usually we got to sleep to, didn’t want to take no chances with that one down there. AUG 14: THE CHARRED RIB Timonium Mary landActually it was Mary Land we were heading for but that wasn’t close to Portland either. We had to go through New York which was bigger than Chicago, what you could see of it. It was hot even at night but we kept our spirits up listening to Chuck Berry we all back onto a “My Ding a Ling” kick, I dont know why maybe its the whole singalong audience parpitictation thing. Anyway, to make a long story short.....things at the Charred Rib was not what they seemed!!!! There was a party going on there with some people but they didn’t know anything about Bon Larvis and it turned out we had the day wrong, it was the next day we were supposed to play at it was at a place down the street. But we met some nice people like Jen and Dave who invite us to a motel room with about a dozen other people and it was a crazy time, lots of fun we can’t even talk about (unless we get in trouble!!), especally the barbeque ribs at the Charred Rib was good. Theres some crazy people down there and now we thinking were not in Avenal anymore!!! I guess they there at the Charred Rib every Tuesday but of course we headin back...no rest for the Boogie Woogie Blues, it just don’t let you be.
Some times, even we cant beleive, what we hearing!!!!
AUGUST 15: P. NUTTS Richmond VIRGWe looked all over for this place but couldnt find it. It wasnt in the phone book or nothing. I guess it closed, I don’t know what happen. We looked for it a while, had plenty of time cause it wasnt far from Marylan, but we couldnt find it. We called information and they didnt know. Carl asked a cab driver and he said he didnt know it. Then we found these guys on the street who were going to a movie, but they didnt know the club. We asked some other people and they said they never hear of it. So finally we gave up and slept at a rest stop. Then we looked again at the paper and we had the name wrong, it was “BEAN HUT” which was a real shame because maybe they hasd some pork and beans. But by that time it was too late especially if we was going to get to New Mex by the next night....everybody had a feelin that ones’ gonna be a “long haul”!!
AUGUST 16 SINNERS AND SAINTS, Espanola N MEX Dont ask about this place....we spend the night in Missouri which was only as far as we got!!! This was defintieluy “Highway Blues Part Three” and a couple of times we didnt think wed get as far as we did, in order to do another Hoops show we had to make it to New Mex tonight so probally that show has to be called off too, but we already figured that because of the broke PA from last time. So we figured we take it easy, went to “Tom Sawyers Cave” which was pretty good. We also had some good food in Vega Texas after we had got a flat tire. In Mojave we had an “impromptu “boogie woogie jam with some guys in the motel, that was pretty good too.
so that was it for our shows and a great time was had by all. As you can guess everyone was feeling pretty good and you better believe we had a “heroes welcome “ back in Avenal where they know how to treat they native sons. Good to be back!!!! But theres probably one thing you all wonderinhg: Would we do it all again???? The answer is.....You betcha!!!!
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