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"BON LARVUS " offical History of the band
BON LARVIS guest's book
Tour Diary 1
Tour Diary 2
Tour Diary 3
Tour Diary 4
AUG 8: DIRTY DICKS, Siiouxs Falls SDA very sad day for music lovers everywhere....”Dirty Dick” died because he was standing up in a car when it went through a garage and it smacked into his head real bad, in fact just about took it off if you want to know the truth of it. They talk about doing the show in memorium anyhow which we wanted to do that for sure as a tribute to the legendery “DIRTY DICK”, but it turned out some guys came in while “Dirty Dick” was dead and stole the PA and everything, cleaned the place right out. There a lot of guys on motorcycles around and some people think it was them, other people think it was Dicks rival “The Carlton Arms” that stole them and are going to scope it out. Anyway, that was another long drive so maybe it just as well we get to sleep even though there were rats on the floor of “Dirty Dicks” all night. No one knows who was in Dicks house but they woulent open the door so we couldn’t stay their. |
Playin' the "dirty dick blues" in honor of the LATE GRATE DIRTY DICK!!!
AUGUST 8: THE BLUES BOTTLER, Milwaukee WIS It must be a eppidemic??? the Blues Bottler is closed down becasue “Starbucks” is opnening there!! Same deal, they offered he landlord more money and he took it. It seem like a shame cause theres other “Starbucks” a few doors down and this was a “True Blue” boogie woogie blues club that specialized in the exact same kind of lowdown blues that Bon Larvis will play til the day they died. But what can you do. On the upside the drive wasn’t so long today and also there was an oen mike at T.J. Barnackle’s and we got up and played a little harmonica boogie which we deadicated to the late “Dirty Dick.” Milwaulkee is probally the biggest city we seen, its on the ocean and theyre famous for beer there so you gotta love em for that!!!!!!!