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BON LARVIS guest's book
Tour Diary 1
Tour Diary 2
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AUGUST 10: AORTA BAR, DETROT MICHThe big thig today was driving past Chicago and think of the “history” that went down there with Howlin Wulf and Buddy Gay and Claption and the guy who wrote “Little Green Apples,” that whole early electrioc blues scene which is like our meat and drink. We all had took off our hats passing by there. Carl said Abe Lincoln had growed up there too, which is pretty great of a legacy for one city, even as big as Chicago looked like driving through it. But we also had other “fish to fry,” in Detroit is a thrill becasue its the home of Rock and Roll also. Carl told us the Rock and Roll hall of fame is there and when you see the crowds who came out to support the “BOOGIE WOOGIE BLUES” you know it can’t be a lie!!!! People boogied with us til late, we played “New Reliable Boogie,” then closed things out with “Ambitious Boogie” done slower than usual but with a lot of real blues feelin. A lot of drinking and a lot of good times, the only bad thing was we called ahead to Montrael and found out they had put the “Faxed Head” on the bill at the “Jailhouse”, now were wondering if we should bother going up there????? Or just say the Hell with it. Cause we play with them before and there audience don’t like them and theyre audience don’t like us!! Plus we don’t like them and vice versus!!!!
AUGUST 11: JAILHOUSE, Montrael CANADAEveryone who read this site knows what we think about the Faxed Head and how they stole our tapes even if they had said it was a missunderstanding, that aint no excuse. Evrone knows we EMENIES at this point, flat out. But you cant beat up guys in wheelchairs, you don’t wanna get your hands dirty on those guys. So We put our heads together and said lets go up there and let the music do the talking, this was gonna be about walking into the belly of the beast and lettin the music talk for us. So thats how we settled it. Now we aint bragging but we know whos gonna come out on top playing back to back and sure enough we turned in the best show so far even after a 12 hours drive, people really into it and asking us to stay for encore after encore. “Faxed Head” was well and truly blown off the “Map” by this set, just like we knew it would!!!
In honor of passing through Chicago we played the classic blues “Cocaine” made famous by Eric Claptoin and the people just didnt get enough of that one. We didnt see those “Faxed Head” guys anywhere and no one knew where they were, maybe they were the ones who chickened out afterall!!! We didnt stick around after the show but it wouldnt suprise us if everyone went home when we were done, we told them they should and I bet they did!!!!The one wierd thing I should say is that Canada doesn’t speak English, at least most people didnt, they speak this whole other language “French” which none of us could figure out but some of them spoke some english and we even signed a few autographs and made a few freinds.......including a couple “GOOD FREINDS” if you know what I mean!!!!!.....which was great because the show was supposed to be shut down by the police because the club is getting evicted by a landlord, but nobody had said if it was “Starbucks” moving in or not. Theres a place called “Second Cup” and it could have been them. Anyway Thanks Montreal for a great time!!!!
This is TYler, he is the son of Gozzie and Steffi from the Aorta Bar, DETRoit Michgian, and as you can see he has got those BOOGIE WOOGIE BLUES already! A really great kid who for sure will be a BIG BAD BLUESMEN when he grow old!!!!